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Camp Crescendo submitted 4/1/03

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Guest mdsimmonds

Hi there,


I submitted my mother's music camp, Camp Crescendo http://www.campcrescendo.com to http://dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/Sports_and_Hobbies/Summer_Camps/Performing_Arts/ on 4/1/03.


Title: Camp Crescendo - Summer Music Camps for Children - Idaho and Oregon Programs

Descrp: Camp Crescendo is a summer music camp, located in Idaho and Oregon, designed for children grades second through seventh who enjoy music performance and want to learn more!


I haven't heard back and it still remains unlisted. Is there anything I can do to help expedite the process?


Seems this is taking a bit long, don't you think?



  • 6 years later...
i actually like Camp Rock better becuse the Jonas Brothers rock and I liked the music of Camp Rock HSM is a good movie too
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