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Jeg ved ikke, om der stadigvæk er liv i det her forum, men nu prøver jeg :-)


Der trænger i den grad til at blive ryddet op i kategorierne: /World/Dansk/Edb/Internet/S%C3%B8gning/Kataloger/ og /World/Dansk/Edb/Internet/P%C3%A5_nettet/Portaler/


- nogle af hjemmesiderne viser "splash pages" (domænerne er blevet overtaget af nogle andre) eller hjemmesidernes indhold er af så ringe en kvalitet, at jeg har svært ved at tro, at de bidrager med noget nyttigt for brugerne.


(jeg havde selv ansøgt om at blive redaktør, for at hjælpe med opgaven, men har netop fået afslag i dag - og fred være med det)


Hav en god dag.

  • RZ Admin

Måske en af vores danske taler frivillige redaktører vil svare, men i mellemtiden ...



I did a little cleaning of those two categories, and removed a few dead sites that we had missed.

You can report defective, misplaced, hijacked or spam sites directly using the yellow triangle flags to the right of each listing::warn:

Unless you were specifically asked not to reapply, a refusal to be an editor isn't final, the idea is that you work out how to improve your next application.

Most of us needed quite a few tries ;)

The reviewer often leaves a comment; if not, one or more of the reasons in the standard refusal letter applies. By all means read through our Editing Guidelines and reapply (Sorry, most of our documentation isn't yet translated)


elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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