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I have suggested my company's domain to 4 different categories in one month but all is suitable for my site.


For example half of categories are english else are turkish category. Also I send my company's domain to regional section. And now i learned that it may be realized as a spam. What can i do to clear my suggestions. It is only miss understanding to send our domain to several categories.


Is it possible that waiting one month and sending my site only one category solves the problem?


Thank you for sharing your time,

Çiçekçi Çiçek


Suggest #1 http://dmoz.org/Regional/Middle_East/Turkey/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Flowers_and_Gifts/

Suggest #2 http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/

Suggest #3 http://dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/B%c3%b6lgesel/Orta_Do%c4%9fu/T%c3%bcrkiye/B%c3%b6lgeler/Marmara/%c4%b0stanbul/%c4%b0l%c3%a7eler/%c5%9ei%c5%9fli/

Suggest #4 http://dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/Al%c4%b1%c5%9fveri%c5%9f/%c3%87i%c3%a7ek/


[post EDITED}


Submitting to Europe would only be correct if you have multiple locations in Europe and the site is in English.


World: Türkçe: Bölgesel: Orta Doğu: Türkiye: Bölgeler: Marmara: İstanbul: İlçeler: Şişli - is ok if you have a physical location there.

World: Türkçe: Alışveriş: Çiçek is ok -- you are selling on line


There is no need to submit your site again. If you only made the 4 suggestions above it would not be considerd spam.


[suggestions cannot be cleared except by an editor.]


Thank you,


Firstly Thank you very much for your reply bobrat,


Some categories which i suggested have no editors. Do my suggestions go to the other editors?


Thank you,

Çiçekçi Çiçek

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