sambeckett Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 You guys told me to wait 6 months, so I wait. Then when I came back my threads are archvied! Not fair... I really wanted my 3 sites listed at the dmoz. Looks like that will never happen now. Why did they all get rejected? Am I a bad person?
Meta hutcheson Posted August 10, 2005 Meta Posted August 10, 2005 A couple of possibilities occur to me: (1) Of all the six billion people on earth, you were chosen as the most worthy to be expunged from the written records and racial memory of humankind. (2) Editorial site reviews continue just as they did before, in the same unpredictable order and time frame; but ( ) nobody is getting submittal status checks any more. I suppose the two theories are not mutually exclusive. But I shave with Occam's Razor.
giz Posted August 11, 2005 Posted August 11, 2005 The sites aren't rejected by anything that happened in this forum. The threads are archived because we no longer do any status checks.
sambeckett Posted February 8, 2006 Author Posted February 8, 2006 1 Year! Ok, its over 1 year later. Still not included im the dmoz. Should I resubmit? Or just give up and relize I will never get any of my sites listed. <Removed status request>
RZ Admin photofox Posted February 8, 2006 RZ Admin Posted February 8, 2006 No need to resubmit, it is best to forget about it now as you have done everything you need to. Curlie Admin photofox
Meta Eric-the-Bun Posted February 8, 2006 Meta Posted February 8, 2006 I would give up worrying about it. I have recently started work on a category and the last set of listings I added were between 2 days and 2 years old. When an editor spends enough time editing in the category(s) you have submitted to, your sites will be reviewed. Until then the only thing you can do is improve your site to increase the chance of the review being favourable. regards Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.
sambeckett Posted May 19, 2006 Author Posted May 19, 2006 I send more to the directory then the directory to me I sent in my site over a year ago, and I still have not been listed ( January 19, 2005, 02:59 PM ) @ The really funny thing is when you do a search at google for my site "lazygirls" the results shows my request to be entered into the directory. My site is getting pretty big, 12000 members signed in a day, 30,000 guests a day, and 400,000 pageviews a day. Now it looks to me that if my keyword is search by that many people in google some of them are going to be clicking on your directory because of me. But I have yet to see 1 person come to my site because of the dmoz. Posting in these forums was a waste of time. the dmoz has been a waste of time. Besides this site, all of the other 10 sites I asked to be entered into the dmoz also have been ignored. even my personal homepage for somereason wasn't excepted. how many so-called editors do you guys have? and really why hasn't my site been added?
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