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jimnoble last won the day on March 6 2018

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  1. We no longer discuss individual websites here - which is why I've removed the URLs. In late 2006, AOL's servers suffered a major crash in which the huge majority of listing suggestions were lost. No harm will be done if you suggest your website once more.
  2. Certainly not . We suffer a fair amount of abuse from some webmasters and we're not about to reveal details of our defence mechanisms .
  3. Who are the people that check applications for becoming an editor? meta editors. Is it the same person every time? unlikely. Can i request someone else to review my application? No.
  4. Firstly, thanks for re-using your existing thread - it makes our efforts so much easier . Yes, it's still awaiting review in Recreation/Autos/Image_Galleries. It's also awaiting review in Sports/Motorsports/News_and_Media (to where it was moved recently from the pool at Arts/Genres/Automotive) and UK/Recreation_and_Sports/Sports/Motorsport. We can't predict when these might be processed. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months, please ask again. There's no need to make further submissions.
  5. I was merely trying to answer your question by pointing out that it isn't a queue. Sheesh.
  6. Yes it's still awaiting revue. Please don't think of it as a queue by the way - it's more of a heap which an editor can process in any order s/he chooses. I tend to do the easiest ones first for eample - ie. those with guidelines compliant titles and descriptions.
  7. There are fewer than ten suggested websites waiting there and yours is one of them. Please be patient, we'll get to it eventually but there's no way to predict when that will be.
  8. It's still in the small pile of unreviewed sites. I can only advise patience.
  9. It has been declined I'm afraid. I'm not able to discuss the reasons but the decision was made at senior level. There's not much point in resubmitting.
  10. It's still in the queue. I'm afraid you'll have to be patient.
  11. I didn't check the submissions in the Menorca category, but had you thought of submitting it to Peterborough where it is eligible for listing?
  12. Re: Application Re-Submit - is it possible But of course. No problem <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  13. @Neil <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />
  14. "the sample URLs demonstrate how well you can do that." ... and also how well you can write descriptions for them <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />.
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