Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
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- 5 replies
After 1 year our site was finally listed, which is great but I feel it is kind of being tucked away and perhaps hidden. The reason I feel this way is because they put the site name broken up so it doesnt make sense, placed the description in a different language when it is in English on the site and to add insult to injury the editor used a domain alias instead of the actual domain that the link goes to for the listing. Is there anyway to correct this and perhaps get the right link, title and description and possibly the category it was submitted too instead of 1 off to it's little lonesome?
Last reply by thainigirls, -
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- 3 replies
Let me start off by saying that I'm not writing to beg for my site to be included.. I want to just clarify an issue that has risen. I've spent the last 3 years building software and content to become a pioneer in my niche. I think I've submitted my site a while back but never heard from you guys.. (no big deal). My content/design/process is a first in the industry and has made my business very successful in my niche and in turn ranks very well due to the buzz it creates (first or second on almost every major search engine for all my keywords). Anyhow the issue I wanted to bring up is that there is a competing site that blatantly copied my content/design/interface. T…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 1 reply
hi everyone I am not sure if this is the right place to post, but i'd like to give some feedback to editors of dmoz. I was looking for a accounting job today online today and think that a fair few results that came up in from dmoz - dont have any jobs on them! so I just wanted to know why they are listed in dmoz as the best for content, to be honest they just looked spammy. it's not an attack or to leave bad feedback but i was really annoyed at not being able to find work. job.co.nz - Contract and permanent finance jobs in New Zealand and the UK. Also includes immigration, emigration, and information links. .... but ther'es no jobs on there website, not eve…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
When i Search for "jordi Oller" in dmoz... Someone called Jordi Oller is listed in 2 categories... http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=jordi+oller Is the same person and the same URL... there is no control about that? I have near one year trying to be listed... with more good content and more popularity with my own name and this things broke all the philosofy in dmoz. Thanks for read my post. Jordi Oller.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 4 replies
Hi, I was wondering if someone could shed some light on my situation. My site has been list on Dmoz for over a couple of years and i have just notice that our listing has been removed? I would like to understand why this would happen? As the purpose of the site has not change only that we have made it more user friendly with better navigation and features. <URL deleted> It worries me to read in the quality control forum that sites are being remove in mass without being validated is this true? Regards, Matthew (very concerned)
Last reply by pvgool,
- RZ Admin
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- 2 replies
hello, thanks for all dmoz teamwork These are some of the sites closed in a category The list contains the sites changed their content or content not related with the category category url : ========== http://www.dmoz.org/World/Arabic/%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%81%D9%8A%D9%87/%D8%AE%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA/ sites : ===== http://www.okeeh.com/ site closed http://up87.com/ site closed http://www.yanaseb.com/ site not useful http://5p5p.com/ content changed http://www.dl3msn.com/ site closed http://www.4eqt.org/ content changed http://arabbird.com/ site closed & content changed http://www.winarab.net/ site not useful http://world-…
Last reply by photofox,
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
Let me start by saying that a week or so ago I used to be an editor, and I am not anymore due to some ill informed senior editors which terminated my account. I have now noticed that quite a few relevant sites that I had submitted have all been removed completely from the DMOZ. I believe the editors that made the changes in question are a) making a broad based judgement that all sites I was associated with were affiliate sites (which is 100% wrong) b) made changes to site listings without proper review of the web sites or c) abusing their power and removing all sites which I have worked with for political/economic reasons. My goal by posting here is not to be rein…
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
After first submitting my site in 2007 and twice since then, I finally emailed the category editor who emailed me back saying he had asked to be listed on my site the day prior. He said he would look at my dmoz submission. After several follow-up emails he said that my site was now missing from his queue and that I should re-submit once again. After doing so, and exchanging more emails he said that he felt the site would be better in another category and had confirmed this with a senior editor and that the listing was already reviewed. After more email exchanges he said that it was a misunderstanding since there is no editor for that small category with only 2 listing…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hey guys. I was recently refused an editor application (which is fine, especially as my category might have been a bit broad and not targeted enough). BUT... the person that shows as the category editor I know is no longer active in the community relevant to the niche. The last update to his own website was Jan 2005! I've submitted at least 3 websites on different occasions over the last few years and none have yet been added. I'd like to get some websites listed and don't really know where to start! Any help appreciated.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Why my blog rejected? Removed URL Regards, Andrius ::icon_ques
Last reply by PerfectMoney, -
- 12 replies
Hello all, I just coded a very simple tool to help people reporting bad websites in the Report thread at the top of this forums. This tool helps you build a list of bad websites you have spotted in the directory and returns a forum code that you can copy and paste when posting into the thread. You can add websites, re-check them before copying the final code and eventually remove them. The tool also re-arranges websites by category, then alphabetically into each category. It also prevents double entries. At the same time, this tool should be useful also for Editors working on the thread, since its main purpose is to include an EDIT link for Editors that points direc…
Last reply by PerfectMoney, -
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
So I've been trying to get a site listed on dmoz for a few months and haven't received anything back. I tried to send an email to the site editor yesterday and it looks like the script died. tried to email bushguy from: http://www.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/send.cgi?toeditor=bushguy message: Hey Ricky, I've been trying to get a site listed on dmoz for months without success. Hopefully you can let me know what I'm doing wrong. The site I'm trying to get listed is: <url removed> Can you help me get this listed? Thanks in advance mike Looks like it bombed... Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.…
Last reply by mjohnson, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Hello, My site has been removed from the dmoz listing. Whom can i talk to find out if this was malicious or accidental as there is no reason for us to be removed without any reason. Thanks
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 2 replies
hey I'm a somali music fan and have recently discovered some irregularities. If you search Somali music on google, it comes out with a list of sites. The first one there is www.markacadey.net/music.htm But the guy has this as his header; Bclub19.com:: Somali.com Download Somali music Download Somali ... Basically what is happening is this, a site called sclub19.com was the number one on google for the search term, but the guy above has been very inventive when it comes to black hat SEO. That's why his header refers to his new site bclub19.com, basically his trying to out do the other site. But he goes further than that. On the same google search term, …
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Can somebody help me? I was suggested a website two or tree times. In fact the website is not listed. These days I have understanding that this is against the rules. Is there any option for clearing double or triple suggesting stats and to suggest again? The faults are human feature. Maybe some option like “Request reconsideration” (from Google Webmaster Tools) will be very good feature. Thanks in advance, Nikolay
Last reply by charmforex, -
It has been approx 4-5 years we have tried to get 1 or 2 of our sites listed in the directory and thus far to no avail. However it appears as tho our competition is included in the directory almost instantly. Now I know what you are all thinking and thats not the case I / we ( our corporation ) is not bitter just disappointed. We live in a tourist area and we have many businesses with the area and there of course is competition, which is what business is all about. However when someone manipulates an organization such as DMOZ for personal gain I have to say something. Over the course of the last 4 - 5 years we have submitted 1 website twice in that time period and 1…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 23 replies
I have been trying to get my sites listed on dmoz for over 1 year but it seems useless despite the fact that my sites have totally over 150,000 UIP per day (one has more than 100,000 UIPs and another one has over 50,000 UIP again) and they are regarded as best of their class in my country! Now I discovered that the editor on the category I want my sites listed is my competitor and he only added his sites and his friends' sites onto DMOZ. How can I address this? My sites are of far higher quality than his but always rejected by him. Sadly. It's all about quality control of DMOZ.org. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by photofox,
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- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Category: Business: Chemicals: Polymers: Processing Methods: Composite Plastic Listed URL: <url removed> Correct URL: <url removed> Listed title: Glas Forms Inc. Quality control issue: Two "Update Listing" requests have been submitted, with approximately 6-8 weeks between requests, to update the URL to the correct address. The old address currently forwards via a 301 redirect to the current address but the directory has not been updated to reflect the current URL. This could have been posted this under the "Report hijacks, dead links, etc" sticky but I am concerned that this case may represent a broader Quality Control issue. Note: The updat…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 8 replies
Just wondering if they're taking info on dead links within the directory. That thread hasn't been updated since August 20th. I placed 2 messages with about 10-12 dead links
Last reply by hutcheson,
Updating Whois Description
by Guest Catholic.net-
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hello, Could someone please let me know how to go about to get an editor to update our WHOIS description from: Catholic.net Largely a directory, with news stories from Zenit and National Catholic Register. Is organized in channels. To: Catholic.net - God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Catholic Church Teaching, Bible, Catechism, Prayers, Saints, Virgin Mary, Apostles, Pope Benedict, Vatican, Catholic News, Life Issues. Our current description is grammatically wrong and all around innacurate. Thank you! R
Last reply by gloria,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Good morning. I have been identifying and posting Dead Links in the respective Quality Control Forum and have come across some listings that are redirects. My questions is: Should I just post the "Dead Links" I find, or would it also be helpful for me to post the "redirects" as well? Thanks.
Last reply by Lilly3, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
Hello ODP community. Lilly here. I'm a newbie. :-) My apologies if I'm not properly detailing a dead URL/website in this post. If there is a proper way please let me know as I'd like to help out. Here's a first try: Category: http://www.dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/College_Life/ Dead Listing Title: eGrad Dead Listing URL: http://www.egrad.com DETAILS: URL landing page reads "remodeling" and links to a loan website. An archive.org search reveals the website has been "remodeling" since December 2007, see: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.egrad.com
Last reply by Lilly3, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
While going through the guidelines for other reasons, I came across: (emphasis mine) Given that this is completely contrary to the advice given here, and given that editors are generally advised to ignore all incoming e-mail, don't you think that a guidelines revision is in order?
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 18 replies
Greetings! I've been trying to update a listing (from one category to another) for the past couple years to no available. The site did originally have content related to the category it is currently in, however over the years, much has changed and it's best fit would be in another category. I see that the category is active (sites come and go) however, for some reason my update requests have been over-looked. I can assure you that the site does "meet" all the requirements for a listing in that category. I've seen several posts that say it typically takes 2 weeks for an update since that is a higher priority for the editors, however, it doesn't make sense to continue to…
Last reply by chaos127,
- 1 reply
Frankly, we have had inconsistent volunteer assistance rendering <url removed> less than it should be; we are winding it down. As a DMOZ quality issue, this should be delisted. Thanks. If anyone needs to confirm that this is a legitimate request, david.hart [no spam please ] at <domain removed> <pseudo-signature removed>
Last reply by chaos127,