Becoming an Editor
This forum is also for Editor Reinstatement issues.
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What does becoming an editor do?.
Last reply by informator,
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It appears the application for new editors is currently not active. Is that correct? Looked around and landed on dead anchor links. I will definitely want to join? Has anyone got an idea of supposedly when the applications will re-open?
Last reply by Elper,
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So now is there any way to become an editor on your directory,? ( dmoztools )
Last reply by informator,
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Hi there, I would like to know if reinstatements are still something out metas do, since DMOZ is closing. My editor account was auto-marked as inactive maybe because I didn't do much edits in the last few months. I submitted the request a few weeks ago and.. been patient. my editor acc. name is: robertgombos I was wondering if someone could look into this 'till March 14... somehow I wouldn't like to lose my editor status, especially if we're going to revive in some form the ODP idea. Thanks, Robert
Last reply by Elper,
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I posted a thread about losing my log-in here and it says (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) I think the email I was using on my editor account is an old one that I no longer have access to.
Last reply by sundancerz,
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Hi guys, I've went through the process of reclaiming my editor account however the registered email address I used was a work address around 10 years ago. I am no longer with that company and do not have access to my email to confirm. Under such circumstance what are my options of reactivating my account?
Last reply by Elper,
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I think I was inactivated because I didn't make an edit with-in the last 4 months. Filled out the reinstatement form but I believe my email is fdw to an email address I haven't had in a while, tested it but never got the email, wondering if that could be the issue as well. added: just changed my email addy here and I'm sure what was listed here was what I was using at dmoz which is long gone.
Last reply by sundancerz,
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- 13 replies
Recently I started this post. I submitted a website to this category and noticed it hasn't been updated in a few months, so I was wondering if that was normal. After a reply from @mollybdenum I decided to go ahead and apply to become an editor for this category, for two reasons: 1) I know this industry inside and out and 2) there are only 3 sites listed, so I assume it would be a good place to start. Now, on to my question: on my editor application I was transparent and mentioned I have ties to the website I initially submitted. While that is not the category I applied to edit, are editors able to submit sites to different categories that they do not oversee? Is tha…
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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Hi, I'm having problem editing data that is shown for my web shop listed on DMOZ. I became a marketing manager but the past marketing manager forgot his user name and password when he submitted the site. His mail is not active anymore, so is there any way to edit the data for our account.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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HI, I'm a long-time editor. I usually only login when I find good websites for my section - usually this is within the expiry period, but this time I've timed out (couldn't be by much I don't think!). I add websites pretty regularly. Now I find I can't remember my original email to reinstate my expired account - it may have changed over the years from different email providers - I'm really unsure. Are you able to help me? My section is Australiasia womens websites (I just found a good organisation to add for free legal help for Aussie mums). My login is singlemummy and I know my password, that is unchanged from my original commencement. Thanks for any help you can giv…
Last reply by informator,
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Hi -- I volunteered to be an editor for the Water Polo section when I noticed that <url deleted> was not listed. It has like 1500 pages devoted to every aspect of the sport, no advertising and a 100% unpaid staff of enthusiasts so there isn't really a real reason for them not to be included other than the lack of editors. I was rejected because the topic was too big. Even if I only did three sites a month, it would be better than missing out on the most important and relevant sites out there. Water Polo Planet has been online for years and years and there couldn't be a more qualified site for DMOZ. There is clearly a need for change in editor qualificatio…
Last reply by pvgool,
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Morning, A couple of years ago I created a listing for Labels Zoo and would like to update it but can't remember the username or password I created. Is there anyway to get at this listing?
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi, I might have been an editor a few years ago - I certainly remember the application form - but am not so sure anymore, especially, as I can't find dmoz emails in my current email archive. However, given that I'm not supposed to have multiple editor names, I'm somehow stuck: I hesitate to re-apply from the start, and I don't remember the editor name to request a new passwort or request reactivation. What should I do? Regards I.Souvatzis
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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I want to be an editor. I am an expert in the field of software.
Last reply by canerdogan, -
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Hello. I sent my application to become an editor and it was a while until I checked my email address. I clicked on the verify email link in my email and it said it was an invalid key. I signed up a few hours ago on August 31, 2016, as my name Greta username grrrlriot and society-people-women-feminism as the category.
Last reply by Elper,
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Dear all, Could someone please give me an update about the current status of my application? It was submitted on Jun 22, 2016, under my forum's username (sehangel). The category I requested to edit is /World/Français/Régional/Afrique/Maroc/Commerce_et_économie/Informatique/Internet/. Thanks!
Last reply by Sehangel,
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My name is Hugo Conde, i apply for being an editor, i need to know if they'll send me a confirmation link or something. whats the next step? Kind regards,
Last reply by Elper,
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Hi there, Could someone please let me know the status of my current application? I initially applied on the 25th March to the following category: Top : Regional : Europe : United Kingdom : Business and Economy: Shopping : Home and Garden : Electrical : Lighting I received a reply within 24 hours stating I was unsuccessful with my application along with the following reviewer comments: Reviewer Comments: Through the application process, reviewers gauge your ability and willingness to identify and describe sites in a fair and unbiased way. With your application, you provided three example sites, and you are affiliated with two of them. Also, the two lighting…
Last reply by JLSMG, -
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Hi all Can someone advise the status of my application please. My details are as follows The category is Top: Regional: Africa: South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban: Travel and Tourism (31) The editor name I used was gollmarc And the date I submitted was 20/04/2016 Thanks, Marco
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi there. Submitted site to DMOZ several years ago, but need to make some changes. Seem to have forgotten username & password. Appreciate assistance getting access to the account. Many thanks.
Last reply by coreyang, -
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Hello. recently pointed out that the catalog in Hebrew for adults for a long time are no longer updated, and decided to offer my candidacy in the editing area. Then faced with difficulties: My first application was sent to the reviewed 23.06, was filled with a different language, and received a response from administrators and denial: The second application I posted 24.06 to 02.05. I did everything as in the first embodiment only in Hebrew, as I suggested to the administrator. But when it got a negative answer, and: please Tell me what I need to do as another account I do not have
Last reply by xdjuicex,
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Hey guys, Im trying to be reinstated... I always have had problems with this email & dmoz. It does not accept my password on the reinstatement page & it never sends reset to my email flowers92 same email
Last reply by pvgool,
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Greetings! I wanted to see if there is any update on the status of my application, submitted on February 28, 2016, under this same username (SERutherford). The category I requested to edit is "Companies Registries". Thanks in advance!
Last reply by SERutherford, -
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I just applied to become an editor but there was no confirmation email sent. with the username "catpath" and I never received a confirmation email to verify my email address.Just wanted to see if there is a delay with those and also make sure you received it. I also checked my spam and junk mail folders. Nothing Thanks!
Last reply by pvgool,
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Dear DMOZ Team I submitted a resource to this category: and after seeing that it was being neglected, I volunteered to help with editing, however, I've not had any response or feedback. Email received and verified: "allow us to verify your Email Address by clicking on the below link etc. etc." Forgive the mini rant: Farmers in Africa can really do with more tools. A top level directory like Dmoz could really help with up-to-date charitable website listings (NOT listed) that are there to help struggling subsistence farmers. Thank you in advance for looking into this category, getting this category sorte…
Last reply by Rian Saunders, -