General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
Status of submited sites
by Guest -- 1 reply
Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get an editor application through the system. No matter how hard I try, it gives an error message. I sent in a prior post and the best answer I got was the form had a problem but was now fixed. I got a couple of other e mails from folks with the same problem, but no suggestion on how to fix it. Sorry to say, it still didn't work for me. Also, can anyone tell me how to check on status of sites sent in. Approved/disapproved/waiting in line or what ever else may be related? My e mail is Many Thanks Keating
Last reply by apeuro,
Trouble with editor application form
by Guest --
- Meta
- 9 replies
Can anyone assist me please? I have tried over and over to get my application to become an editor into the system. It comes back each and every time as " Can't have more than one application" My original application is over 2 years old so I must be screwing up something. I have even tried a different computer, with a different user name, all to no avail. It keeps bouncing back. Any guideancewould be greately appreciated. My e mail is If you care to send me a phone number i would really appreciate to talk to eomeone who can straighten me out. Many Thanks keating
What Editors Do All Day
by Guest -- 7 replies
Since some of our visitors may be interested in what editors do, I compiled a basic list of ordinary editorial duties. Maybe other editors will add some more (and of course meta-editor duties are another kettle of fish entirely!) * Find new sites – use search engines, search tools, and link pages to find good new sites. * Evaluate new submissions: - Check that the site is present, functioning, links work, does not violate obvious laws, whether it has Adult banners or links, whether the content is useful, whether it is a section of a larger site and if so, if its content is different from the parent site. - Rewrite the title and description, if necessary, to confo…
- 3 replies
The Open Directory Project has a link-checking bot that runs every few months, named Robozilla. It checks every listing for validity, then goes back in about a weeks time and double-checks the ones that had problems on the first run. Robo then marks the sites that were invalid on both checks, flagging them in red. At this point the human editors become involved, giving the sites a third check, and attempting to find a new valid URL if the URL we have is indeed dead. So why am I bringing this up now? Robozilla is currently on the rampage, marking sites in red; he started this afternoon. Editors are starting to panic as their listings start to bleed red. Oh, the ca…
Alternatives to alphabetic sorting?
by Guest -- 7 replies
Regarding the alphabetic sorting of category entries in the directory: I don't have any direct complaints even though I think that the listing could be ordered in other ways too, since probably most people don't look up a certain letter (since they don't know the site in the first place). However, naming schemes early in the alphabet seem to get higher priority. My question: Is the solution satisfactory to everyone? Which could be meaningful alternatives? After all is said and done, is this still the best available option? Possible alternatives: - put least popular on top/ put most popular on top - order by date of submission, descending or ascending - order b…
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, While most sites I look at to compare Google Web Directory and ODP's Directory Descriptions used are the same - I have come across sites with different Descriptions at Google. Does Google further edit the Description that the ODP editor already reviewed? Thanks
Our listing
by Guest --
- Meta
- 8 replies
For a couple of years our sites were listed as #1 or #2 on a search for "chinese translation," "japanese translation" and "korean translation." Recently we pretty much disappeared. I do not understand what has happened. The good listings with DMOZ were very important to us and I would like to get them back, if possible.
Nice Forums!
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi All! Just wanted to say the forums look great and I'm sure they will be VERY helpful to many out there! Way to go guys! Tara /images/icons/blush.gif)
- Meta
- 7 replies
My site that is listed in my profile was listed in two categories in the ODP. One regional, and one not. The listing shows up in the search but has disappeared from the main category. What's wrong? Thanks for any info /images/icons/smile.gif
Last reply by dstanovic, -
Suggestions 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- 35 replies
Assuming that the idea that, with power should come responsibility and accountability, is an acceptable premise . I would suggest that the ODP do “something” to make editors more responsible and accountable. In rejecting (as you no doubt will) the following advice please include explanation regarding how the "public interest" would be harmed if the change in policy was instituted. Accountability suggestion #1 If you're going to call yourself open, then be open, and provide a link on every category page to a page listing the edit history of that category including a list of sites pending approval--including date submitted. Accountability suggestion #2 Pro…
Last reply by apeuro,
April Fools joke?
by Guest -- 17 replies
Is this true: or is it an april fools' joke? Hope it isn't true.... /images/icons/frown.gif
ODP and Third Level Subdomains
by Guest -- 5 replies
HI All; Give that the web is expanding exponentially while the present supply of IP addresses is limited and fast dwindling, I am wondering about the ODP policies regarding subdomains such as Other than being a way to organize the information on your site in a logical manner, many sites which address more than one topic on the site use this method to divide their site into sections which are relevant to a particlular topic or theme. There are also other reasons to use subdomains, one of them bring the theming algorithms that some search engines use, which necessitates that clearly identifiable sections of the site be grouped…
Last reply by apeuro,
ODP and secrecy 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 28 replies
Hi all: This forum has the potential to become a great resource and to help ODP to address some of the many issues and questions users have. I am sure that the majority of the posters here are intelligent enough to seperate the serious posters from the professional complainers, and have the common sense not to reply to them. Back to topic.... Part of the problem regarding users unhappines with OPD stems from the secrecy of the internal workings. In another thread I got the response ..."if you could only see things from the other side..". This is the problem - users cannot see those things and thus have to rely on rumors and output from the very vocal group of "profe…
the new ODP 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- 43 replies
i'd just like to comment about how i like the new ODP. before, when the many major search engines used ODP data, the ODP community was largely arrogant and rude - thinking that they held the keys to something everyone needed. now that that bubble has burst, i like how humble everyone has become. i like that now we are with the ODP just to make the ODP great - without care if we're making the internet a better place to surf (because, let's face it, few users see our data these days). we're making a great database for ourselves - and we're the ones we need to please. i do admit, though, i miss the days when everyone thought the ODP was sooooooo important, and tha…
- 2 replies
Does anyone know of an existing policy on including manufacturer/brand names in the description of a commercial site? Some editors will clean them out of listings, while others will let them slide. Is there one official policy?
by Guest --
- Meta
- 6 replies
Congratulations on a useful looking Forum. Does anybody know which browsers (including versions) that a site must be compliant with to be successfully reviewed for ODP. Secondly, I am in the UK and would like to know if the criteria applied are consistent throughout the regional ODPs. Thanks in advance