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252 topics in this forum
status: nokko.dip.jp (Japanese)
by Guest tanezou- 2 replies
When I submitted my site a couple of weeks ago; http://nokko.dip.jp brouser timed-out and showed error message, then, I reload it and this time the brouser said the submisshin request was sent. Can you kindly check if the request was sent correctly and waiting for review, or I have to resubmit it again? World>Japanese>科学>人文科学>言語>世界の言語>英語 http://dmoz.org/World/Japanese/%b2%ca%b3%d8/%bf%cd%ca%b8%b2%ca%b3%d8/%b8%c0%b8%ec%b3%d8/%c0%a4%b3%a6%a4%ce%b8%c0%b8%ec/%b1%d1%b8%ec/ Thank you very much.
status: ikaiwa.com [Japanese]
by Guest zolee1- 1 reply
Hi, I submitted my site to World: Japanese: ŠeŽíŽ‘—¿: ‹³ˆç: ŒêŠwŠw�K�E—¯Šw: ŒêŠwŠw�Z: ‰pŒê:’Ê�M�EƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒCƒ“�u�À (url: http://dmoz.org/World/Japanese/%b3%c6%bc%ef%bb%f1%ce%c1/%b6%b5%b0%e9/%b8%ec%b3%d8%b3%d8%bd%ac%a1%a6%ce%b1%b3%d8/%b8%ec%b3%d8%b3%d8%b9%bb/%b1%d1%b8%ec/%c4%cc%bf%ae%a1%a6%a5%aa%a5%f3%a5%e9%a5%a4%a5%f3%b9%d6%ba%c2/ ) a couple of months ago, from what i remember. Could you please tell me the status? Thanks, David
Last reply by uzs980,