General Discussion
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hi Folks, Hope you're all good I was an editor on DMOZ and would love to contribute to Curlie, looks like it has a great future. Reference login, I can't recall the email address i used a few years ago, and i've tried the password reset function without joy. My user ID was mattbait - can anyone help to manually reset me, I'd like to use an up-to-date email address now too if possible? Cheers for any help in advance.
Last reply by MattBait,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Cades are no longer based in England > West Yorkshire > Eccleshill and according to their website are now in England > West Yorkshire > Wetherby
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Dmoz is closed but I see there are directories with name of dmoz ...are those part of dmoz ?or some random directories ? Thanks
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hello Just going through community posts i came to know that now curlie is new quality directory. How do i add hindu forum to curlie website ? < Link Removed > If posting links is against norms please do let me know...i will delete this link Thanks
Last reply by pulkit thakur, -
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- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
In my profile under edit avatar the spot is filled that says 'don't use an avatar'. How can I change this and upload an image to my profile? Thank you
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
I just recently joined this community and I have no idea how do I list my business site: <name removed per tou> here. Please help friends.
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
There is obviously contradictory restrict on World>Turkish>Society>Hukuk(Law)>Avukat ve Büroları ( Lawyer and Firms); Directory rule says "Only domain/av/tr extension web sites will be accepted because of Turkish Bar restrict." It has been 10 years that this restrict has been canceled in Turkey. Since than lawyers can use normal (domain/com) extension website as a formal lawyer. I think editors on this category are not proficient. Since directory editorship is full ( I can click to apply editor button) I couldn't apply for being editor on this category. I request from Senior of Curlie that I want to be editor on this category. Sincerely, A Lawyer lives i…
Last reply by mehmetdogan,
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- 1 reply
Hello Everyone, How could I correct my own company info in the Curlie Directory? I see my information there but can not enter it to refresh some details. This account was made about 20 years ago at DMOZ: Business and Marketing Analytic Centre. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks! Kind regards Vladimir Fetsenko BMAC CEO
Last reply by informator,
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- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
After attempting to log in many times under a username password combo I know was correct, I decided I would just request a change. I did so, and still, I am unable to log in to the editors section at all. It is now to the point where I have exceeded the max tries so I have to wait, but is something wrong with the servers? Is anyone else having issues?
Last reply by informator,
- 0 replies
In: Regional > Europe > United Kingdom > England > West Yorkshire > Eccleshill > Business and Economy Hard York Quarries The quarrying operation down Fagley Lane in Eccleshill/Fagley has closed down and there are plans to build houses on the site. The link gets redirected to Berry and Marshall at Bolton Woods / Gaisby quarry (outside the Eccleshill area) which is still active. Geologically the area is known for its high quality, hard wearing pavement sandstone. I recommend you move the entry to West Yorkshire > Wrose > Business and Economy
Last reply by JohnYeadon, -
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- 1 reply
On: Regional Europe United_Kingdom England West_Yorkshire Eccleshill Business_and_Economy The link to Cades Ltd appears to have died. Cades Ltd still thrives but they simply lost the hyphen in their URL.
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 5 replies
Our company works in World business tenders information services. Bidding source covers all world government tenders ... How we can add bidding source website to the directory
Last reply by birbilsem, -
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- 7 replies
Hello, Can I please suggest a site which is an online seller of genuine - equipment, service kits, parts and lubricants across all of mainland UK (-) in the following category: UK Shopping Tools category. Many thanks, Judith Dow
Last reply by Marketmen, -
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- 1 reply
Anyone could please suggest how to add our website to the catalog? I can't find the catalogue. Please show us the details how to let our website. Thanks very much.
Last reply by informator,
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- RZ Admin
- 14 replies
Hi All, I want to suggest a site for evaluation. How can I do that? Thanks.
Last reply by informator,
Membership deletion
by Guest seodigest-
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
How can I delete my membership on
Last reply by informator,
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- 4 replies
hello, I am trying to find out the way to add my site details here so if anyone recently updated the details please guide.
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello Friends DMOZ. How to know if a Spanish page is equally important that the pages are in English? when being indexed. or factors, the review of new pages to be late? In my case I am in the category kuds and teens and spanish thank you very much. :D
Last reply by Knut85, -
- RZ Admin
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- 3 replies
Back in 2002 I was working at the website of a spiritual organization that has a global operation. I spent time trying to keep the site optimized. At the time there was a website with the opposite view that showed up in position 2 . I researched why that was the case, even though it didn't seem that the site should show up so well. What I came up with was that DMOZ had a guideline that websites of this nature, expressing their views of religious and spiritual organizations deserved prominence in search categorization and placement so that their views would be seen. My questions are: DMOZ isn't active as a live directory anymore. I see that the DMOZ category that I…
Last reply by gniver, -
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- 1 reply
Curlie is soon up and running and that costs... Your donation, no matter how small, is important! Donate to our volunteer treasurer at Paypal (use e-mail specified in the Curlie Editor forum-thread). Thank You!
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
I was accepted as an editor a couple of weeks ago, and I am unable to enter the editor forums. I use the same userid and password I use to log into the editor dashboard. I'm not sure why I can't get into the editor forum.
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 12 replies
I have added the full web site (Gebze evden eve nakliyat) and waited for the approval to come, did anybody know why bi and dmoz were closed.
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Can any one guide
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
Hello, * is a cross-development tool for many 8-bit computer systems available at www dot * dot com. Originally it was only for Atari 8-bit computers but have grown to support also Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, C64 and NES. So the "single most relevant category" no longer is Atari 8-bit, but there would also include: Computers: Systems: Apple: Apple II Computers: Systems: Commodore: Programming Games: Video Games: Console Platforms: Atari: VCS Family: Atari 2600: Developer Resources Games: Video Games: Console Platforms: Nintendo: NES Is there a way to get the site listed there, also? Thanks for your support, Peter.
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Last reply by Elper,