Site Submission Status
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- 1 reply
I submitted my site over a year ago and it still hasn't made it into the dmoz directory. Please let me know what else I need to do. Please let me know the status of submitted to:
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 19 replies
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask for some feedback on my site's description and category I think is most appropriate to submit to. I wanted to get it right so that I dont waste any editor's time. This is what I came up with. TITLE: Absolute Barcelona DESCRIPTION: A business directory of companies and professionals in Barcelona, other features include online booking, message board and classified ads. CATEGORY: Think this one is most logical for my site to fit in. Other option would be:…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 6 replies
I have read the rules and completely understand them. I host a quality site for fantasy football. In the category of Sports: Fantasy: Football: Commissioner Tools, I see other sites similar to what is offered on my site. I sumbitted my site close to a year ago and have not received a response from anybody regarding a status of my site. It is simply not listed. I meet all of the guidlines and have read posts from all over the place. So the question is: What is the status of MyFantasyZone com ?
Last reply by dan.kotarski, -
- 1 reply
Dear Sirs Please let me know status of my website which I have submited on 07.03.2006 under following category: Website name is: <url deleted -- see terms of service.> Thanks in advance for your support. Kind regards Maryan
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 0 replies
- 912 views Thanks...
Last reply by Okram69, -
- 1 reply
I would like to find out the status of: Website sent in 23 July 2004 to the next category: Thank you April 05 2006
Last reply by motsa,
I submitted to dmoz 6 months back. I dont know the status yet, Can any one of you please let me know that status. My website is <url deleted> Regards Nicky
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
hello alls i have submit many times my site in dmoz diretory but ever i see to pubblish. Mi site is good and have over 50.000 visitor for month,i see in my category more amatorial webisite i think the mine website can stay in domz directory Thanks for your attention Carmine from rome
Last reply by fastdrive, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I submitted a site in DMOZ in category: a very long ago - first time over a year ago and second time around 3-5 months ago. Can you please let me know when it can be listed? Thanks a lot. Dmitry
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
Tonight I have posted on the open directory requesting a change of our description and business activity. Our site has had the same description on it for a long time. In fact it’s also in the wrong category. Can someone tell me if it is possible to contact the administrator of the office supplies section, if so can you send me contact details. I would really like our listing changed as it really is annoying that our whole company name is not listed and this is how people search for us. Thanks Bill
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I need help, I submited my site exactly ONE year ago to Dmoz and still not listed. My fist post has been here: <censored URL> Can someone tell me the status of my site? <censored URL> Thank you very much, Tony
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 0 replies
Please let me know the status of, submitted to 1.商业/出版与印刷/印刷/ I would like to become a small catalogue of editors, this is no small catalogue management. Considerable impact on the normal development of a catalogue, I have submitted an application form in the editorial content, I hope that the early applications were to hand. Or can help me as soon as the website contains account. Thank you. I know that the website has now been closed reproduced enquiries. Managers in a very difficult situation. I understand that. However, managing editor of big brother who wish to help, you are the best. Especially you…
Last reply by gling, -
- 1 reply
Applied two years ago, nothing happen.
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Site submission Dear moderators of dmoz directory, I’ve been trying for almost a year to register my site on dmoz directory (, but unfortunately with no luck. The name of my site is: This site has many contents (e.g. cigarettes news), forum, rss. There is no other site on this directory (Tobacco/Cigarettes) which is somehow better, and that’s why I can’t really figure out what the problem could be. Unfortunately, I can’t send an e-mail to the moderators of this directory; therefore I would like to ask this question on your forum. Could you tell me why my site can’t be registered on this…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
I work for a e-commerce company called Shorty USA Airsoft estabilsed in 1996. We retail Airsoft guns, accessories, supplies and other related items. We are the largest and oldest company of our type in the United States. The website went live in 2007 and shortly after changed it's name from 888 Airsoft to Shorty USA Airsoft. For many years we have been atempting to get our website listed in the DMOZ "Shopping/Sports/Airsoft" category with not sucess at. In total I believe we have made 5 attempts since 1998 to suggest our website. The category apear to be updated every several months or so and is not assigned to a editor. About 2 weeks ago I submitted a abuse complaint t…
Last reply by shortyusa, -
- Editall
- 3 replies
Hello, I submitted my website <spam URL deleted> about 4 months back. Its not listed till now in directory. Can anyone of you let me know about the status? Thanks in advance. Nicky
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Meta
- 8 replies
dear sirs: i submitted my URL listing request for the sodonow software download store at <url removed> on 7/28/04, again on 8/25/04 and most recently on 10/11/04. can you give me the status of my listing request? thx.
Last reply by sodonow, -
An old failed submission
by Guest baf- 1 reply
I submited my site to dmoz open directory last year (much more than 6 months gone), and nothing happened. I submited it again this year. I would like an admin/moderator to contact me so i can figure out what went wront last year.
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
I submitted around September 2004. submitted a check in Dec and jimnoble said it was stuck and would sort it. 18 months and still nothing. How do I know that he sorted it? Should I resubmit? Is there a penalty for doing so? <URL Removed>
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
I have tried many times to submit my site. But it has never been posted what should I do?
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
Hi, I submitted my site a couple of months ago under arts. I have still not seen it listed. Appreciate a status. Thanks a ton! Jay Vajaram
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Dear Sirs, Please can I have a review of status of regarding submission to dmoz I have submitted some 2 YEARS back:confused: and still not seen within directory?? I would be grateful for an editor to contact me as my email is only contactable by an editor from dmoz. Many thanks for taking the time I would be grateful for any comments realise you are volunteers but ould truly be grateful for a response. Many Thanks from Thyrone Forde 4D Sports
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 3 replies
I have been trying to submit my website design site. Our domain name is and I have used Title the same name instead of Website Design India Pvt Ltd so that they dont cancel suspecting keywords. I have submitted to Top: Regional: Asia: India: Delhi: Business and Economy about 3 months back and again today. Their is no editor in my category listed but on top level the editor is gurdeeps. Earlier I sent an email using ODP form but to no effect. Can someone advice me how to get listed. We are located in Delhi and our business is related to UK clients.
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
Hello, Just wanted to check on the status of ..... We sell .... and submitted the site in 2004 but it still doesn't show up!! Saleem <edited>
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, Please let me know the status of submitted to : on date : 20-10-2005 Thanks Ashok
Last reply by andysands,