Site Submission
by Guest -- 8 replies
We started our business almost a year ago and I've been trying to get listed in the directory since July 2001 with no success. We are Advanced Packaging Group, Our competitors are in Top/Business/Industries/Manufacturing/Packaging/Containers/Carrying Cases & Shipping Containers. Advanced Packaging, Inc. is there in the list but that is not us and I wonder if that has been keeping us out, thinking maybe it's the same company. Who knows. Recently resubmitted the site for review to Top/Business/Industries/Manufacturing/Packaging/Distributors/Containers. What can you tell me? Help please! If there is something about the site keeping it out I woul…
- 2 replies
Hi I submitted my Windows Me Resource page about a month ago to but have not been listed; the url is I realise that this category has no editor, but I think a month is a bit too long to wait considering that this category has few entries. I have previously submitted my Windows XP Page to and it was listed within days. Could someone confirm the reason for the delay? I do not wish to jeopardize my Windows XP listing and I am wondering if this is the reason fo…
by Guest -- 1 reply
I was told by an editor that if I wanted to find out the status of our site submission that I should post something here. The site is and it was submitted to the Top: Shopping: Health: Vision: Contact Lenses catagory. Can someone tell me if the site has been accepted, and if not why? Thanks.
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
I submitted my site on 1/28/02 (I am not listing the URL here but it is listed in my profile). While I noted the date, I did not note the category. However, I think it was Computers/Internet/Consultants/. I emailed the editor for this category a little more than a week ago and have not heard back. My question is, what should I do? Wait or submit to another category? I imagine thie is a fairly busy category. Also, I would be happy with a regional listing if that makes more sense (Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Localities/C/Chicago/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/). I obviously do not want to send in multiple submissions b…
Last reply by thehelper,
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hello, I've submitted my site in January this year, under the category Computers: Hardware: Peripherals: Audio: Portable Players and waited for a month before I submitted again a couple of times within several months. However, my site still hasn't been listed until now. The site contains affiliate links but it also contains many unique and useful content for the visitors. I tried to make the unique content accessible from anywhere on the site. I've also emailed the Editor above this category but has received no replies. This category currently has no editor. Have I done something wrong? Any help is appreciated. …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Suite à certaines informations publiées ici où là au sujet des différentes adresses donnant accès à la partie francophone de DMOZ, la communauté des éditeurs francophones souhaite faire la mise au point suivante : L'URL _ donne accès à la partie francophone de DMOZ ( ) mais elle n'appartient ni à AOL/Netscape, ni à la communauté des éditeurs bénévoles de l'Open Directory Project. Le seul site officiel de DMOZ est accessible à l'adresse suivante : . Pour vos demandes, merci de faire un lien vers une catégorie de faute de quoi votre message sera édité. Ne postez pas de lien vers dm…