Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
test danish
by Guest -- 1 reply
test ÆØÅ... æøå [broken External Image]: Bioanalytikeruddannelsen Just testing /images/icons/smile.gif Stig
Meta-editor goes insane, promotes this site
by Guest -- 6 replies
In a curious spasm while speaking at the Internet Marketing Conference in Vancouver this week, Meta-editor Flame yelled "Go to for crying out loud!" While speaking, Flame received quite a few questions on submitting and not getting listed. Apparently being expected to know what was wrong with each individual's submission, Flame was overwhelmed by the questioning, and began spinning around on the stage. The spinning became more dramatic as he professed his belief that he was a monkey. Or that he was a tree. Reports are unclear on which he actually thought he was. When asked about the outburst later, a confused Flame only babbled about monkeys and trees…
- 0 replies
When you want to embed a URL in your post, and use the tag, please remember to include http:// before the actual URL. The tag won't work if you exclude the http:// . So, for example,, won't work
Last reply by apeuro,
Thanks for your great work.
by Guest -- 1 reply
Greetings all. This is my first visit to this area and I want to thank everyone at ODP because I have had many visitors to my sites due to your work. You probably don't get enough praise or thanks coming your way so I want to tell you here and now. My 2 larger sites, both hobby sites, rank in the top ten (of most major search engines) primarily because I followed your guidelines and included the correct information. These 2 sites have been published since October 1999 and June 2000. Thanks again for your hard work.
Test Post
by Guest -- 1 reply
Reply works lets see if post new does.
by Guest --
- Meta
- 1 reply
Just a test. This is my links page which I want to submit to the directory. [thread moved here from the Non-English Forum - please don't cross-post]
Last reply by yklaw,
by Guest -- 1 reply
- 2.9k views I found agood site for the directory. Cool pdas.
How do i reply...??
by Guest -- 1 reply
Hii, I am not able to figure to reply to a thread...which icon or link do i have to click on to reply...! I am sure, it's a silly questions...! Thanks <edited> Sorry, I figured it out.. actually...the reply and edit buttons were missing when i read the thread, i wanted to reply...when i refreshed the page...Those 2 buttons appear... Sorry for that..! </edited>
Test of edition
by Guest --
- Meta
- 10 replies
I've not succeed to edit any of my messages up to now... So i will try with this one...
Last reply by apeuro,
- 1 reply
All: Welcome to the new Members Lounge, here at the ODP Public Forum. /images/icons/smile.gif This is a place where you can post anything and everything that's not specifically related to the ODP. Enjoy. /images/icons/smile.gif
Last reply by apeuro,