Bugs and Features
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436 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 2 replies
I have submitted my page previously as Y and now updated to A I requested Dmoz editor for updating using the update link on the directory. It is immediately updated and i am thankful for this. But when i search my site on Dmoz.org, by my company name , the results show my old Url Y only. So i request you to suggest me how i can change my url to A in search results of Dmoz.org. Thanks & regards, C.T.R.Rajesh
Last reply by ceetee, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 21 replies
I was just curious how often the dmoz search database is updated i noticed the last update says June 3rd.
Last reply by lmocr,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello, the 'update listing' link states: Specifically, this Update Listing form should be used to - Suggest a category more appropriate for this site However, when I put in my Site URL and click 'Update listing', it only displays the current category with no option to suggest a new one.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
when I try to click the "suggest URL" link, I receive the following error: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /cgi-bin/add.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server thank you for your attention to this matter. cary <URL deleted>
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, I would like to report a bug when contacting an editor using the online form. Once you submit there is a cgi error. Thank you Ryan
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello- I've changed the address of my website, but am unable to use the update listing feature. Although my old website comes up in a search, entering that url into the update form results in a message stating the url can not be found. Therefore, I'm unable to update the listing. Also, clicking on the category that results from the search does not actually display my site listing. I've submitted my new website url as a new listing (after the update attempt failed) and hope that was the right move. What I'm really attempting to do is to update and regain my listing from my old url to the new. The old site now redirects (301 permanent) to the new site. I understand that ed…
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 39 replies
Even it has been 4 months since i tried to add my website <url removed> to dmoz, it wont list. We have a normal real estate website in canary islands, tenerife, spain. Anyone could help me out with this ? regards
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
I have tried several times to submit my site, after completing the form I get the following blank screen with this message: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/add.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server ---- Can someone please help.
Last reply by tdgreen, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I think that there may be an issue with the captcha on your "add" page. The whole “add” page loads, but the status bar at the bottom shows “downloading from https://captcha.aol.com.....” but the image never arrives. As a result, no “add” function can occur. I've tried with ie7, ie6 and firefox to no avail. Love the directory, and therefore always interested in keeping it successful. Thanks David
Last reply by davidoptrics, -
- 0 replies
Hello- I have an unusual problem with my listing that I've been unable to correct on my own. I've changed the address of my website, but am unable to use the update listing feature. Although my old website comes up in a search for <title deleted>, entering that url into the update form results in a message stating the url can not be found. Also, clicking on the listing category that results from the search: Regional: North America: United States: North Carolina: Localities: A: Asheville: Arts and Entertainment: Photography does not display my site. I've submitted my updated website url as a new listing (after the update attempt failed) and hope that was the right mo…
Last reply by blake madden, -
- 1 reply
Hello, When do the search function in ODP activate itself? I can't find pages there that I have added weeks ago, even though if I go into the category itself it is updated. Does it get updated at the same time as AOL get's the data dump up and working? And anyone have any idea of when that is happening?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 0 replies
HTTP compression is recommended by Google and Yahoo. However, the ODPdoes not appear to support it. I find this surprising, as the site's content HTML would compress very well. Granted, they're far from slow, but faster and smaller is still better. Perhaps it could be enabled? The ODP also uses GIF rather than PNG, and does not specify a cache expiry time for static images in the /img/ folder, which can result in needless repeated requests.
Last reply by GreenReaper, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
I just submitted my website url, entered all the information and the letters on the screen capture, checked and triple checked everything before clicking submit... is the resulting page supposed to state something that confirms the submission went through and or am I supposed to receive a confirmation email? because what I got was a simple page with "Please verify the text in the image. The text in the image and the text you submit in the input field must match." (which I have already done on submission page) and there was no image on the resulting page, only that text I just don't want to submit again which may result in a duplicate and possible rejection... how c…
Last reply by susannaart, -
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
Suggest URL can not be opened completely. Top: World: Chinese Simplified: 商业: 电器与电子: 光电与光纤 URL is :World: Chinese Simplified: 商业: 电器与电子: 光电与光纤 can not be opened completely.
Last reply by sunfeye,
- Meta
- 2 replies
I have tried to submit my Newcastle United site several times in the section http://www.dmoz.org/Sports/Soccer/UEFA/England/Clubs/N/Newcastle_United/ , however it says that I need to re-enter the Captcha information even when I am 100% certain that the information I have entered has been correct. I have repeated this over and over, yet it is always the same result. Is this a common problem? An ODP site bug? Paul.
Last reply by paulzon, -
- 1 reply
Hello What is the password becuase I want to post something about one of my websites in the adult forum Thank you
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Step 2 of the submission guidelines says "Do a quick search in the directory at dmoz.org (the home of the Open Directory) to be sure your site isn't already listed. This saves everyone time." I have tried and tried and tried to search over the last two years and I get "Network Error (tcp_error) A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out" The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time. " I am using broadband (not superfast) and have tried in IE, Firefox and Chrome, and with different computers, but get the same result. I seem to have seen…
Last reply by gloria,
- 0 replies
Hello, I tried to parse structure.rdf.u8.gz and to dump it into a MySQL database, but my parser stopped on line 8210199 where it found a synthax error: Fatal error: XML parser error (error code 73): > required The error was found on line: 8210199 So far, I've imported almost 2 million rows mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datatypes; +----------+ | COUNT(*) | +----------+ | 1867049 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Cheers,
Last reply by calande, -
- 1 reply
I'd like to be deleted, though I see not function to do so. So can someone that is authorized, delete this profile? I don't like it in the search engines.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi, I have made several attempts today to contact the editor of a category via the http://www.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/send.cgi?toeditor=###### links provided, they appear not to process the request after fully completing the form. Error Message: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server.
Last reply by TrustNobody, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Greetings General Suggestion: Have some simple page that lists if the url you submitted has been checked by a editor /and or deleted. something like When a user submits a site - they get a ID # - which they can check to see if anyone did anything with there submittion - I have a feeling alot of dup urls get posted which bogs everything down ..
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Just added a topic "I cannot log in to my active editor account" and It was deleted or moved to area I cannot reach. Why? ))
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
Hello! I cannot login my account. My login is dorian30. My account is active and password is right. What should I do? Thank you!
Last reply by Dorian30, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Hello, I tried emailing staff@dmoz.org and received this error message. Any suggestions? The original message was received at Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:06:54 -0500from omr-d34.mx.aol.com [] *** ATTENTION *** Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with itsdelivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the sectionlabeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----". The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the sectionlabeled: "----- Transcript of Session Follows -----". The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail couldnot be delivered. The next line…
Last reply by supplybrothers, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hello all I have just noticed that from here in St.Petersburg Russia I can reach http://www.dmoz.org only once out of three attempts and after quite a long waiting time. I tried two different subnets. One of the IPs is Do you really have technical troubles with dns or it is another reason?
Last reply by hekula, -