Bugs and Features
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436 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, I am having difficulties in registering a new password wity DMOZ. The email sent by dmoz to allow me to change an a password was blocked as containing a virus. I was alarmed to find that my previous post describibg this problem was deleted. My cry for help was genuine and I cannot see why it was deleted. I have also tried contacting staff@dmoz.org and app-staff@dmoz.org, but both these addresses are bounced back as unknown. Can the moderator please leave this post on the system, so I might get some help. Thanks ODP Editor bobc
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
Hi there, I am a editor and I would like to make some changes to my profile. Every time i make the change enter my password in at the bottom then click the "submit profile change" button i get the following error: Bad form arguments There was a problem with your form: Please type in your correct password to change your profile information. If your password is correct, please confirm that the editprofile page is set to your normal character set, especially if you've been looking at World/ categories lately. There is no issue with my password and i have tried many times. please advise. best, michael
Last reply by jimnoble, -
error 502
by Guest vgorlychev-
- Meta
- 3 replies
Why when I try to communicate with any editor via mailform I see error 502 ?
Last reply by mauri,
- Meta
- 25 replies
Dear Sir or Madam, The Editor Feedback form on the .dmoz website does not appear to work and results in the following error message:- "Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server" Just thought I would let somebody know, on the off chance that something is wrong with the server settings rather than my system. Kind regards Terry
Last reply by jrivett, -
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 7 replies
I have a question regarding my company's website which is listed in the DMOZ directory of: Family/Parenting/Resources/ but for some reason is not listed in the corresponding Google Directory. When I try to submit my site to the Google directory it brings me to the DMOZ "submit a site page". How do I go about getting my site included in the Google Directory if it is already included in DMOZ? My site has been listed in DMOZ for over a year but has never shown up in the Google Directory, any ideas? Thank you, -Fishman
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Hello, first i wanted to say WOW, didnt know there is a forum for dmoz. now lets go to my annoying problem: [broken External Image]:http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5976/91308589.png am i blind? doesnt the written letters are exactly the same as the image? i tried ten times and no hope of its letting me pass the submission :icon_excl is this a bug or what???
Last reply by abeltenny0210, -
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 27 replies
Hi everyone. I'm trying to suggest an URL (category: Society: Subcultures: Geeks and Nerds: News and Media) and when I click "Suggest URL" I'm always receiving this error: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /cgi-bin/add.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server I tried Firefox and Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180 SP2 for Windows and Safari 3.04 for Mac, and I keep getting the same error. Any idea? Thanks.
Last reply by abeltenny0210, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
I recently received my dmoz editor approval notice, however I am unable to login? It does not seem to recognize my user ID, should I be using the ID that is sent to me in the approval email subject field? Also, the reset password link does not seem to work. Can someone please help me get in, and reset my user ID, and or password? Thanks, Leeser
Last reply by abeltenny0210, -
I didn't get to finish application for URL
by Guest shadowstalkers- 1 reply
I got booted off my computer before finishing the application for a URL. I never got to enter my email or even a password. Now it won't let me back on.It shows an error
Last reply by jimnoble, -
How can i contact with the category editor?
by Guest okeshopping.com-
- Meta
- 1 reply
I just submit my site <URL Removed> to the dmoz, i want to send an email to the category editor, i tried many times, all can't send out successful, the page i get show as follows: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server Is there problem of send email through dmoz? Wait for reply, thanks
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
The Editor Contact form is not working, i get the following error no matter which browser i use: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server i also tried sending from another computer/isp Any idea why this happens
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
After sending a feedback you get an error page, as if the feedback was not sent at all. Apparently, the message is sent. If fixing this problem takes a while, then at least display a proper message so users won't re-send those messages just like I did several times.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 19 replies
We noticed that information about our website was outdated and requested an update and filled in the form on DMOZ.org . We applied for a name chage from Castle Electronics to Castle Telecom. Applied for a new description and category within DMOZ.org. today, when I look in the index and search for "Castle Electronics" I find it in the category: World: Nederlands: Webwinkelen: Consumentenelektronica (1) But when I click on the category I can not find us? Is this a BUG? Also the changes ( name, description, category) are requested a few moths ago it still did not change. Are there editors in Holland on this category?
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- Cateditall
- 4 replies
When I register editor it inhttp://www.dmoz.org/World/Thai/%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%A7%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%8C/%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%8C%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%87%E0%B8%95/%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%84%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%82%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B9%E0%B8%A5/%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%9A%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A7%E0%B9%87%E0%B8%9A/ i have ever tried many times bot it says link that how to fix it thanks
Last reply by GOD, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Dear all, I cannot find any information about contributing ODP as a developer, rather than as an editor. I have a few ideas in mind and I can help implement them (or other ideas): 1. An automatic first level prioritizing filter that will sort submissions based on various factors (for example, sites that pop up windows, redirects to another domain, contain nothing but advertisements, contain viruses, or too exposed to XSS injections will have a lower priority). 2. An automatic first level rejection filter for Kids & Teens, based on the usage of improper words, links to improper websites, etc... 3. A 'current status' & 'reason of rejection' information p…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 5 replies
I have two sites with DMOZ listings that were either inaccurately edited by DMOZ editors or have out of date information. I have tried to submit an update request for weeks. It is always "temporarily" out of service, or on one occasion the message did not go through. I tried emailing to staff@dmoz.com. The email bounced back. This is beyond frustrating. I am near giving up and changing the robots file to instruct search engines to ignore DMOZ. How can I simply update these listings, one of which was never correctly edited to begin with (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Last reply by pvgool,
Hi Jim, I'm having a similar issue. I recently changed my editor account password in preparation for the rollover. I used a password generator, and I fear it may have made the password rather complex and included some unusable characters. I've tried the email password feature, and it returns the password, but the password does not work. Thanks, Chris
Last reply by cmark7,
If I'm not mistaken, when people submit a website, all informations provided should logically be stocked under the same ID in a database. And when an editor is done wit a review, the entry must be deleted using a button, along with that line in the database. Which leads me to think, if you changed that delete button to run just before the deleting part a retrieve mail and a mailing function, a notice could be sent on deletion. And if you make a set of button with a set of predefined email templates, then you'd have a nice bar with a set of delete buttons which sends different reasons for refusal. Seems like something convenient to have. Of course I can't really chec…
Last reply by Namjies, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
the forum main navigation menu overlapping the login remember me tick box when the forum is view in ie and mobile devices
Last reply by photofox,
- 0 replies
the footer page of the searh results pages are: Copyright © 1999-2006 Netscape while the rest of the site footer is: Copyright © 1998-2010 Netscape
Last reply by usaccess608, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hey all- I'm trying to get in touch with the editors of the Science category and I'm receiving a proxxy error page. Specifically: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server Perhaps this is why the category hasn't been updated since June of 2009?
Last reply by gloria,
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hallo, two weeks ago I got the confirmation that my application as editor was successful. I tried to login - but it did not work. It still does not work. I posted my problem in the German forum and an admin resetted my password, but it did not help. I think there is a bigger technical problem. I have already tried any possible variant of my password and also used the "forgot password" function. My user name and password are correct. Any ideas? Can anybody help me? Thanks!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I've been trying to get my site listed and have even tried to become an editor to get it listed faster. Truth is I wouldn't be a good editor writing is not my skill. Can we volunteer to help streamline ODP or fix some of the bugs instead of becoming an editor. All I really want is to get my site listed but would love to help contribute in anyway. Look if you are an editor who is looking to pick apart the semantics of my question save yourself the energy simple no or anything constructive would be nice.
Last reply by makrhod,
- 4 replies
Hello, When I look in this page : http://www.dmoz.org/World/Bahasa_Indonesia/Komputer/Internet/Rancang_Bangun_Web/Hosting/ I see the top menu have show strange language, May I know what is the true language have using on that page ? Thanks.
Last reply by akbartux, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
If I search for <name deleted> The url shows as <URL deleted> However if you click on the link to go to the regional category you will find on this page if you hover over <name deleted> that the url shows as <URL deleted> I believe the search page is incorrect as over a month ago I submitted a form to tell the editors the site had move to <URL deleted> and this was quickly updated on the category page. Can you tell me why the search is still the old link ? This has now been like this for a few weeks so I can't believe the search indexing would not have updated by now ?
Last reply by oscikenascuck, -