Bugs and Features
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436 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 3 replies
Please don't consider my activity as spam, since I am reporting a new type or error/bug and have technical question daily and please don't ban me for doing so. My intention is to help this Web Savvy project. Applicants who submitted their Editor Application can use I forgot my Password feature which is meant for Editors. I have submitted my application from username: kingavineshsingh, If I visit I forgot my Password section and enter my username there, I will receive an email for the same and can reset password. This may be a bug or some error. As a developer I can say that, there should be a function like if=account_approved then open=htpp....... else "Not…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Username: kingavineshsingh My intention was to help ODP and not to hack ODP. I want AOL and ODP team to fix this issue soon. If I visit http://www.dmoz.org/... then I would get a 404 not found error but along with it I can also know which Version of Apache Server ODP is using and that's not good. Suppose If I would have been a hacker then after having knowledge of Server version of ODP, I would have tried to find vulnerability in this version of server and would have tried to hack it. AOL and ODP team should fix this issue although it's not very critical but we should follow some 'standards'. P.S. My intention was not to hack ODP, I am just reporting this iss…
Last reply by masteraks, -
- 0 replies
If we navigate to Homepage of ODP, www.dmoz.org at footer of page we would find a log something like this: x,xxx,xxx sites - xx,xxx editors - over x,xxx,xxx categories and at the same time if we re-load the page, we would find that these info have been changed from a big margin. For example like: number of editors may increase or decrease in thousands and that too within one second. So could any Editor tell me whether this is a bug or this is actual data ?
Last reply by masteraks, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hello. I've found a problem with category names where some part of the category path is seemingly removed, thus producing a fused garbled path. Example: Instead of /Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/S/St._Simons_Island/Arts and Entertainment we see /Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/S/St._Simons_Islandrts_and_Entertainment/ /Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/S/St._Simons_Island ("/A" is missing) rts_and_Entertainment/ http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/S/St._Simons_Islandrts_and_Entertainment/ Can this be fixed? The possibly incomplete list of pr…
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
Dmoz category names (identifed by supposedly unique id attribute of the Topic element) are assumed to be unique, but in fact they aren't. This creates problems when the data is being processed and used. Can this be fixed? Here is the list of non-unique category names with their catids: Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Congenital_Anomalies/Craniofacial_Anomalies/Sturge-Weber_Syndromelies/Sturge-Weber_Syndrome 456346 456764 Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Skin_Disorders/Cowden_Syndrome 456324 456754 Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Skin_Disorders/Ectodermal_Dysplasia 456294 456398 Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Skin_Disorders/Pseudoxanthoma_El…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I have a website that I closed down and the URL was transferred or taken over by someone else, however the listing for this site, still shows my company name and info with the URL. I have tried to update this but the Update feature is no longer seeing the URL, however it still shows up in DMOZ. What do I do?
Last reply by windharp,
Please Remove User Account and/or Post
by Guest balvord- 2 replies
Hello, I'd like to request that either my user account or my post from yesterday be removed from the forum. If you want to leave up the post to show some sort of history of me asking about reinstatement and being refused, that's fine. I'd really just like my personal information that I included in that post removed. It was my mistake to include it, but as the forum does not appear to allow me any means to edit old posts, I need an admin's help. Thanks very much
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
My DMOZ import routine is reporting a Unicode error in character 22 of the description of this external URL. Line 27660499 in this week's content file... <ExternalPage about="http://coh.rv.ua/"> <d:Title>Центр надії</d:Title> <d:Description>Рівненська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів - адаптивно-розвивальний білінгвальний заклад міжнародної інноваційної освітньої системи �"Школа завтрашнього дня."</d:Description> <topic>Top/World/Ukrainian/Країни_та_реґіони/Європа/Україна/Області/Рівненська/Рівне/Освіта</topic> </ExternalPage> My Russian is no good so I can't see what's wrong. Cheers Jason.
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi all, Here's a bug that I've noticed for a bit, but only just getting around to report... If you go to this category: http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Internet/Servers/Shopping/Auctions/Assistance/Searching/ ...you'll see it seems rather short, right? Well, I'm pretty sure there are other listings in there somewhere, but just not appearing on the page for some reason. For example, you can run any of these searches: http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=mapbid http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=gumshoo http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=auctionsieve http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=bargainchecker http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=watchcount http://www.dmoz.org/search?q=au…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
what`s up ? dmoz.org (public site) is not available / shown message: "site failure, server timeout" hg
Last reply by cleve,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Well, this is awkward. I have tried to complete the 'volunteer to edit this category' form about 20 times now from both safari, chrome and firefox and despite having completed all the fields and the captcha, I cannot submit the form. I get a red validation error at the top "Not a valid parameter" although there is no indication of what parameter is invalid. I don't see any data being 'POSTED' using firebug so it looks like JS on the page pre submission is the culprit. Any other reports of this? Is there an alternative method I can use to apply? Thanks, Bill
Last reply by windharp,
- 4 replies
Hello. The old URL (which is now invalid) was- <old url> and the new one (which is functioning) is- <new url> You can find the old listing, by entering "William Leonard Pickard" in the "Search" box on dmoz.org (it comes up first in the list of search results). The category of the listing is "Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: War on Drugs". However, it does not show up among the 32 sites currently listed in this category- http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Health/Drugs/Illegal/War_on_Drugs/ And if I click on the "update listing" link on the above page, then no matter what I enter in the "Site URL:" box on the subsequent page ("http:…
Last reply by CarynGraves, -
- 3 replies
Dear users, I need to change the currently listed URL <URL removed> for the new one <URL removed>. I'm trying to change it by using your Update listing form but when i type the currently listed <URL removed> URL when validating says that URL doesn't exist. Does anyone know how to fix it? In the other hand, i need to erase the URL <URL removed> is currently substituted by <URL removed> that is listed. I'd greatly appreciate any help. Kind Regards
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I have been trying to list my business and have followed all the instructions provided. I click through to the correct category, but when I get there, there is no 'suggest URL' link or button, in fact no way at all that I can see to submit a site for listing. Please help. Thanks
Last reply by Mazz, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
I just submitted my url for consideration for the ODP but when I pressed the submit button I did not get a confirmation that it had been submitted. There was a large Go Back button so I thought I had made an error in the form. This resulted in me submitting twice, which I read was not allowed. Perhaps a "your submission has been received" response would be good just to know that you are at the end of the line. Thanks.
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
Hi, I've been trying to submit my Australian massage related website to the category Regional: Oceania: Australia: Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork which is the most relevant section for my listing and after clicking the submit button I simply get a page with a Go Back link and the page title just says Oops, an Error Occurred. I've been trying to submit my site for around 8 months now and I've come across this same error every time (but only found this forum just now). I believe I've filled the information fields correctly: -URL is standard http:// www . *************. com. au with the regular link radio button selected -Title is the name of …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
A month ago my site was added into DMOZ catalog. But I cannot find my site using DMOZ search engine. Does it reindex search items? Nevertheless my site is found by Google (with site:dmoz.org option) without any problem I think all of newest sites in DMOZ cannot be found using DMOZ search engine. BR
Last reply by Tomcat, -
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 12 replies
My band has been listed on this site for some time but I have realised recently that it was set up (by me, in ignorance) into the wrong category. I notice several other bands of similar style have successfully been listed in what is now my preferred category (and none listed in my actually category). About 5 weeks ago I used the proper channels of the site to request a category change, but have had no response and no change has been made. In particular I have had no reply indicating that my request had been considered but refused. I note and appreciate the comment in the relevant section that this change may take a few weeks but since we're now at 5 weeks ++, I begin t…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
Hi there. Can't seem to log in through the editor link in ODP. Can someone help? My ODP username is peggo.
Last reply by jensarentoft,
- RZ Admin
- 7 replies
I tried my picture to my profile as a jpg and as a gif. I get a 500 error statement that the resource isn't available? I've used that picture on other profiles easily. Am I missing something? Marti
Last reply by base,
- RZ Admin
- 15 replies
Hi There, Over the past month or so, I've noticed that the RDF files I use to drive my site contain some strange data. Specifically, many (59 in this week's version of content.rdf) occurances of CatID 1 (<catid>1</catid> in the XML.) This is many more than the handful usually found as the top-level catagories in the DMOZ hierarchy. Here's an example... <Topic r:id="Top/Business/Textiles_and_Nonwovens/Industrial_Yarns_and_Sewing_Threads/Carpet_Yarns"> /Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/A/Athens/Arts_and_Entertainment/Museums I also see that there are 53 occurances of CatID records in structure.rdf. This has really made a…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I tried a few months ago to list my site on DMOZ but the captcha image wouldn't display at all. Apparently from reading some things I found on the net, there is supposed to be a link to an audio version but I can't see this either. I tried again today but it still doesn't show up. Interestingly, the captcha for when you sign up to the forum works perfectly.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi, Trying to update our URL on this page: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Business_and_Economy/Property/Estate_Agents/ However, there is no Update Listing Link.. Can someone please advise on what to do..? Is this a problem with Dmoz? Thanks Dave
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hi, I tried a few months ago to list my site on DMOZ but the captcha image wouldn't display at all. Apparently from reading some things I found on the net, there is supposed to be a link to an audio version but I can't see this either. I tried again today but it still doesn't show up. Interestingly, the captcha for when you sign up to the forum works perfectly. Does anyone have any suggestions how to get it to work? I am using IE8 on windows XP. (it also doesn't work using compatibilty view)
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi all! I sent a request to be an editor for category "Society/Subcultures/Skinhead", to add some British websites with same login, tradskin. But when I tried to go to "e-mail address verification" page, DMOZ said me that my verification key is not valid. From "password reset" webpage I can change password (even I am not an editor yet), But I cannot log in because "User needs an email address verification before the user can login." How to request & reapply e-mail verification key again?
Last reply by Elper,