Bugs and Features
Also new technical and structural features or solutions can be suggested and discussed here.
436 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
First I would like to thank the editor for listing my site. I didn't know it was listed because I checked and it didn't show up. When I submitted my site I was told that it was already there. I can find it when searching by category so I know where it is but why will it not show up when searching for the Title or Keywords?
Unable to fork sendmail
by Guest -- 1 reply
"Unable to fork sendmail" This is the error message I keep getting when I try to submit my request form to become an editor. Are the staff at DMOZ aware of this problem? I emailed them, hopefully they will let me know wether the problem has been corrected or not. I am trying to become an editor for this directory: Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Machinery and Tools: Cleaning Equipment: Pressure Washers If any of you who read this are aware of this problem or know wether the problem has been corrected or not please let me know. Thank you in advance for your replies. Jerome N.
Forum Time
by apeuro- 2 replies
I noticed that the Official Forum Time hasn't been adjusted for daylight savings time. Would it be simply easier to adjust the "time offset" rather than to hope for a technical solution?
Last reply by apeuro,
Catagory heirarchy 1 2 3
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 50 replies
How is the catagory heirarchy determined? It seems to make very little sense. The catagory of Christianity contians 61,000 sites and does not appear until the third tier of the heirarchy. Of the top tier catagories only 8 of 14 (not including World and Regional) have more sites listed than Christianity. And of those 8 Sports is also included under Recreation, as well as being a top tier catagory, otherwise Recreation would be below Christianity as well. Of 42 second tier catagories (again not including World and Regional) only Music and Industries have more sites than Christianity. A number have less than 1000 sites listed. When comparing Christianity to the r…
Last reply by samiam, -
Inclusion of City and State in searches
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 7 replies
We search for the sites we maintain on the major search engines weekly and re-register sites not found. We've had an ongoing problem with ODP searches (searches on www.dmoz.org). When we search for the ODP Title, we can find the site. However, when we add the City and State of the ODP Regional Category to the Title search, the searches fail. We are experiencing this for a number of ODP sites, where the site is in a regional category but the City and State are not coded into either the ODP Title or ODP Description. Why does inclusion of the City and State in a search for sites in ODP Regional Categories cause the www.dmoz.org search to fail?
Last reply by lissa,
Search index refresh rate
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
Hello everybody, My question doesn't fall perfectly under the "bugs and features" category, but it's the closest I could find. I just submitted my site http://www.velosophy.com to the Regional: North America: United States: New York: Localities: C: Cooperstown: Business and Economy category yesterday, and the great news is that it was accepted today, with a small, but good edit of the description. I've noticed however that it doesn't show up when I use the search feature. I'm guessing that it is a matter of the frequency of the index refreshing, and I'm curious how often that occurs if that is really the situation. Thanks in advance, and cheers, Cameron Bo…
Last reply by dstanovic, -
Site listed in multiple categories
by Guest --
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 6 replies
It is suggested at the site that a link can only be added to one category, and that the editors will decide where to finally put it. Would it be possible to allow users an interface to suggest additional listings of their sites? (This might also be helping out the work of editors.) I just had to write an email to an editor. Besides other things I was unsure to which editor to write in the first place; the one of the existing, or the one of the potential new category. Details about my actual link: QML (http://questml.com , before my new update in DMOZ it's currently listed as http://www.outer-court.com/goodies/qml.htm ) is a tool to game developer tool to create CYO…
Last reply by lissa,
Meaning of @
by Guest -- 7 replies
What is the meaning of the @ symbol following a category link? I couldn't find any help on that on dmoz.org. Is it possible to replace this by an icon, which uses explanator title/ alt text?
Last reply by totalxsive, -
Too wide forums
by Guest -- 2 replies
Many of the threads in this forum are extremely difficult to read at normal resolution (800x600) because the lines are wider than the screen. To need to scroll horizontally continually back and forth to read messages is an enormous burden. This forum is a nice idea, but this technical flaw is so great I'm already about to give up on it. Can this be fixed so the forum is usable?
ODP Editor Forums
by Guest -- 5 replies
Has anyone else noticed that all the posts in the Editors Forums are disappearing, General, Bugs/Features and Penguin Cafe are all empty. There is something strange going on in ODP land.
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
I have a few questions: 1. My site was listed in a "very" regional category (which I chose when submitting), is there any way to get another listing in a more prominent area of the ODP since I cover more area in which I am listed? 2. When I use Google toolbar to go to the ODP area I am listed, it shows a PR of 0. Does this mean that Google does not consider this area important? 3. When searching the ODP I do not come up using any word in my title description. Is this normal. Thanks for any information /images/icons/smile.gif
Last reply by dstanovic, -